Key Facts to Know About Martial Arts Before Enrolling

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Key Facts to Know About Martial Arts Before Enrolling

30 September 2020
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Most people believe that they can only keep fit by running, lifting weights or attending an aerobic class. While these are excellent avenues towards a fit and healthy lifestyle, they can get monotonous and boring. Fortunately, there are different ways to eliminate the monotony, and enrolling in a martial arts class is one. Martial arts do more than keep you fit — the sports also equip you with self-defence skills. However, you should know a couple of things before enrolling in a martial arts class to ensure that you are well prepared. Read on.

Size Does Not Matter

Most people have the misconception that size is everything when it comes to martial arts. It can be attributed to the fact that martial arts are contact sports, and thus, somebody with a big body stands a much better chance for success. However, nothing could be further from the truth because martial arts go beyond body size. A professional martial arts instructor will tell you that skill trounces size. All you have to learn are essential self-defence and offensive skills. Therefore, you do not have to worry about how short or lean you are because you will do fine in a martial arts class with the right attitude.

Expect Bruises

Martial arts instructors do everything to ensure that students are safe. Unfortunately, most people think they can enrol in a martial arts class and come out bump= or bruise-free. However, this is not the case because sparring partners will not go easy on you. Moreover, you will get some movements wrong, leading to sprains and bruises that are not necessarily inflected by your sparring partners. Therefore, you stand a much better chance of minimising accidents if you appreciate the nature of martial arts. Most importantly, follow the guidelines of an instructor and always wear protective gear.

Sparring Is Optional

You must spar at the end of each training session to know whether you are improving or not. It is a common statement among martial arts students, and it is premised on the practice-makes-perfect saying. While there is nothing wrong with sparring — and instructors encourage students to do so — it is not mandatory. Therefore, no professional instructor will force you to spar in a live situation, whether you are a newbie or attending your 50th class. Ultimately, it is your decision whether you want to spar or not.

For more information on learning martial arts like BJJ, contact a local martial arts academy.