Practical Tips for Buying the Right Cycling Jersey

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Practical Tips for Buying the Right Cycling Jersey

3 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

What makes a proper cycling jersey? Most cycling enthusiasts ask themselves this question when they form or join a cycling club. The first thing that comes to mind when most people look at cycling jerseys is skintight shorts and colourful jerseys. However, there is a lot more about cycling jerseys that can make them perfect for enjoying an exhilarating cycling session. Notably, most new cycling enthusiasts do not know what to look for when shopping for a cycling jersey. Therefore, they simply walk in a sports store and grab the first jersey that looks appealing. However, this is the wrong approach if you want to enjoy comfortable cycling runs. This article highlights tips for choosing the right cycling jerseys.

Long Back, Short Front -- When amateur riders test a cycling jersey, they expect it to fit like regular clothing. For them, the back and front of the jersey should be of equal length. However, this should not be the case because quality cycling jerseys are designed to optimise a cyclist's position during cycling. Ideally, you bend over the handlebars while cycling, which gives your back a characteristic curvature. If the back and front parts of a jersey have the same length, your lower back will be exposed when you bend over. Therefore, it is essential to choose a jersey with longer fabric in the back and shorter fabric in the front. The design ensures that your back remains covered and eliminates any discomfort associated with excess fabric around your chest and belly.

Performance Features -- While most cycling enthusiasts join a cycling club for fun, there is always a competitive element towards the decision. The reason is that cycling clubs often arrange cycling competitions amongst members or with other cycling clubs. Therefore, you must be ready by having a jersey with the right performance features. Grippers and hems are excellent examples of performance features that a cycling jersey must have. The silicone grippers attached along the hemline help to prevent jerseys from riding up your body, which is an unwelcome distraction for most cyclers. Back pockets are another feature you should be looking for since they allow you to carry fluids and energy bars. The pockets eliminate the need to slow down at water points, thereby increasing your chances of winning a race.

Fabric -- You probably know about the properties that make cotton a great fabric; for example, the material is breathable, absorbs moistures, and is light. Therefore, it is no surprise that most people would choose cotton for their cycling jersey rather than polyester derivatives. However, the same properties make cotton a terrible fabric for cycling jerseys. The best material for cycling jerseys is polyester, primarily because it is breathable. Additionally, polyester is excellent at wicking away moisture from the body, which ensures that you don't feel cold while cycling.    

To learn more, contact a cycling jersey supplier.